About Me

The PhD

I am currently studying for a PhD in Web Science, based at the Web Science Centre for Doctoral Training, University of Southampton (Southampton, UK). My PhD is focused on web archival practice itself and how ‘the doing’ of web archives (and the factors that going into this) shapes what is known about the Web. I am taking a socio-technical approach and drawing on STS and archival theory to understand the role of both web archivists and technologies in the creation and maintenance of archives. The study will involve the use of ethnographic methods (online and offline) to observe and engage with web archiving in different organisations, disciplines and communities of practice.


My academic background includes a BA in Anthropology, an MSc in Archaeological Computing and more recently, an MSc in Web Science. More generally, I have worked in the cultural heritage sector for over 10 years designing and implementing strategies for heritage data collection and management, including the development of such resources as ARK (the Archaeological Recording Kit) and Fasti Online. I have academic and professional experience in the use of web technologies for the curation and dissemination of heritage information. I am an enthusiastic supporter of the Open Web (open access, open data, open knowledge) and especially enjoy critically engaging with the ways in which both humans and technologies shape what is known about the world.


A slide from a recent presentation that got me thinking about how I ended up studying web archives. For some reason it seems to make more sense to me in diagram form! The full presentation is here.


For academic purposes feel free to ping me at jessica.ogden[at]soton.ac.uk – otherwise you can find me on the Twitbox.